Saturday, March 21, 2009

Harvesting Worm Castings & Potting On Comquat Calamondin

Hot day. 35 degrees celcius. After corresponding with Lucky about my worm warm, I am finally sure that I can harvest the worm castings. Evening came and I left one tray exposed to light so that the worms will hide. Using rubber gloves, I raked through the castings. Not an easy job even though the worms hid. I still had to pull out worms manually...tiny ones are harder to pull out. I collected a 5L bucket of worm castings, which inevitably contained very young worms and lots of worm eggs. That was just 2/3 of a tray. Then I added coir fibre to the tray to serve as new bedding for the worms. It also serves as a food source. I potted on my comquat calamondin (calamasi), adding the bucket of worm casting and composted cow manure to premium potting mix. Tomorrow morning, I would water the pot with seasol to ease the calamasi from transplanting shock.

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