Friday, March 13, 2009

A Few New Candidates and Update

Citronella geranium (mosquito plant) which I bought
The aloe vera (above) which I have bought and potted on.
A soak with aquasol helps with providing growing nutrients for this pot of thyme (above) which is turning rather woody.
The capsicum flower (above) has opened...the strongest one on the vege patch.
Another flower (above) of the purple king.
Wow! This purple bean pod (above) was only 2cm a few days back and I was expecting to see that yesterday but was pleasantly surprised by how long it has grown!
More flowers are going to open. For this year, I am contend just to collect some seeds for next spring. The heatwave has stolen at least a week's growing time from this purple king. It is a race against time now.
Peaches are growing fine except that birds are chewing off on some. Of course, those attacked cannot be eaten and I gave them to my dog.
The mixed basil (above) are doing fine. I have not used any for cooking. There is only one thai basil in this pot and not enough for cooking use. I wouldnt mind seeing flowers and collect seeds.
I am leaving this tomato to fully ripen and see if I can get any seeds for next spring.

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