Thursday, June 4, 2009

First Harvest of Oriental Radishes and Calamondin Progress

My calamondins are growing well in the pot. I recently fertilised with citrus fertiliser and was pleased to find tiny earthworms in the potting mix. The earthworms actually came from my vermicompost which I have harvested from my worm farm. I could not filter all the worms out especially the very tiny ones and had no choice but to put them in the pot together with the vermicompost. It was great to see that they actually survive and are living in the potting mix. So nowadays, besides feeding the worms in the farm, I also bury chopped banana peels in the calamondin pot to feed these little ones. I would have to purchase some mulch to shelther them since I have run out of it.
Calamondins growing larger. Hoping that no bugs will eat them up.
Found a horned leaf hopper on my cayenne pepper plus a tiny snail too. Some bugs have attacking my cayenne pepper but not the horned hopper since it is a sap sucker.
After more than the specified weeks, I decided to pull up my oriental radishes. Not too bad, had them for a dish...sweet and tender. Radishes are best when grown rapidly and I shant wait in case they become too 'mature' and fibrous. Anyway I do not think they are going to grow further since their leaves were all eaten by some bugs.

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"All that mankind needs for good health and healing is provided by God in nature...the challenge of Science is to find it." - Paracelcus, the father of Pharmcology, 1493 - 1541