Sunday, November 15, 2009

Caterpillar Hunt.

I have been fighting caterpillar invasions. Nothing was spared - snow peas, tomato, strawberry, oregano, rosemary, disoma, vietnamese mint, common mint, plum tree, egg plant, passionfruit, kalanchoe, rose shrub are all victims. This brown caterpillar was found on the snow peas. There are a few types of caterpillars which I have found. As gardeners, we really have to be vigilant and observant. I noticed that my strawberry leaves looked a little strange. And flipping the leaves over was wise.
I squashed as many as 10 tiny caterpillars arching their bodies and feeding on the under-surface of the leaves.
These leaves drew my attention as there were patches on them. They were the parts being eaten underneath.
Fortunately I still have strawberries ripening.
I also found egg clusters on leaves of my tomato silvery fir. Must be caterpillar eggs.
This is the damage on my passionfruit. I am planning to protect the young shoots with some form of plastic since the young growing shoots are the ones under attack.
Eggplant supreme leaves also has lots of eaten parts. I hope I will emerge the victor in this caterpillar warfare. :O

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"All that mankind needs for good health and healing is provided by God in nature...the challenge of Science is to find it." - Paracelcus, the father of Pharmcology, 1493 - 1541