Friday, August 28, 2009

Bird Visitors.

It's been interesting staying at this rental property over this one year. I have observed various visitors in our backyard and it is just such treasurable moments watching them. This really really fat spotted neck pigeon was the fattest I have ever seen. I am not sure if he is the one of the two which frequent my garden but he surely looked very comfortable around here.
Today I even have crows visiting. They are collecting Marco's fur from the grass to build their nest. It is amazing what materials they use to build their house!
Marco posing for my camera after I let him out to roam. The spotted neck pigeon was not at all intimidated by him.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dwarf Peach is Flowering

I have not gone out into the garden for a few days. It has been windy. Today I had to water the pots to ensure they are not drying out. Even the oregano which likes it dry is wilting in the mini greenhouse. My pixee peach's blossoms are open. Sweet-smelling pink flowers. I gave it a water of charlie carp solution. It is also bearing green leaves.
My lone spinach is growing quite nicely. Too little to harvest haha...
I was surprised to see two daffodil buds. Maybe I may have a chance to see its flowers since I still have a week before moving.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Plum and Peach Trees are Flowering.

The peach tree which bore yummy peaches for us is already flowering. However, I do not see many flowers this year compared to last year. Maybe this peach tree is one of those that produces once every two years. Pretty peach blossoms. Fortunately I am able to enjoy the beautiful view out of our living room window for the second time before moving out one week later. Most of the plum trees on this property are flowering. Beautiful plum blossoms.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Progress in the Garden.

Pot of pretty nasturtiums still flowering. Makes a really pretty entrance statement every time I come home. Lavender bee pretty is also making flowers after the aphids were gotten rid of by intensive pyrethrum treatment. Fortunately my lavender leaves were not burnt by the sprays.
Wise for me to leave the rosemarys out in the open where it got sun, rain and wind. The powdery mildew is well under control.
Daffodils at vege patch will be abandoned by me at the end of the month when I move.
Chilli padis growing well and took a long time to reach this stage.
Oriental radishes growing steadily and too will be abandoned at the end of this month.
Pixee peach is producing flower buds.
Kaffir lime is finally producing new leaves. Purple ones??
Potted capsicum producing new leaves too. Spring, come soon!

Another Pot of Mint, Ivy and Re-potting Cayenne Pepper

It is a gloomy day with light patchy rains. I took a closer look at my cayenne pepper to find the potting mix infested with thousands of ants. I wonder if they are responsible for the horrible state that my cayenne pepper is in. So I re-potted the cayenne pepper with premium potting mix and cow manure and seasol. Hope it helps to re-establish itself before I plant it into the ground in my new backyard. The neglected pot of ivy has produced new light green leaves though after quite a long time. It should grow much better being in the ground. I am thinking of propagating this ivy for planting at a shady stretch in my new garden : I potted on my small pot of common mint as it is already congesting its 10cm pot and wilts quite often. Looks like I am getting lots of mint nowadays and I am seemingly obsessed with it hahaha, four pots in all excluding the two lots growing on the vege patch :
The pot after potting on in a 30cm pot.
Pot of mint (before potting on) congesting its 10 cm pot and often wilts (above) and same pot originating from 3 cuttings (below) I am fighting occasional powdery mildew attacks on these mints (also my rosemary) but if the air-flow around the pots is good, the situation should be under control. The only thing I had better improve is the garden hygiene I am practising. I rarely isolate any problematic plants nowadays and simply pinch off affected leaves. That may send a lot of invisible mildew spores scattering all over the garden. However, it is really not easy since I cannot seem to find proper locations for plant isolation.
"All that mankind needs for good health and healing is provided by God in nature...the challenge of Science is to find it." - Paracelcus, the father of Pharmcology, 1493 - 1541