Finally, more work done to prepare for winter. Had a fulfilling early afteroon neatening things up too.
I put some pots which contain plants that are able to stand the cold. The peach (pixzee), two fig (brown turkey) and two pak choys. I also redid the netting over my fig tree against birds.
On this side, I have those pots that contain cold-sensitive plants - chilli padi, sweet potato cuttings, thai basil, hot chilli, capsicum, calamondin comquat. I had driven tall stakes into the ground and wrap plastic around. Needed to buy fleece fabric to cover over them.
Here's how it looks like from the front. I have to buy more plastic to cover this side too.
My Patches A & B. The cucumber (burpless) vines have been cleared. I may still have two bitter melons to harvest if they survive any frost. I have used newspaper to wrap around the melons but not sure if it will work. Can't wait to rip the purple king bean plants and bitter melon vine off.
Patch C's still having the Nellie Kelly strawberry plants, kaffir lim, eggplant supreme and lemon grass. One more eggplant growing.
All of my beautiful propagated strawberry delight are in the greenhouse (wo the housing but with netting).
The trellis from the cucumber vines have been moved to support new growths of the passionfruit panama gold.
I pulled up this thai basil from a friend's place (as he has relocated) and replanted it here in Patch F. Not too sure if it will survive but so far so good after four days in the soil.