Friday, July 30, 2010

Winter Can be Beautiful...

Here's two pictures I have taken of glorious daffodils blooming in Mansfield near Mt Buller. They are probably King Alfred daffodils. These are by far the most beautiful ones I have seen. The ones I have in my garden are Little Mist and are smaller. (see to see more pics of daffodils) Daffodils just take my breath away. Recently I taught my son William Wordsworth's poem on Daffodils. I told him I had learnt that poem when I was a teenager and even though I had never seen one before until I live here in Australia, the poem just illustrated how beautiful they must be and daffodils just got etched in my memory since then : Winter. It feels cold and gloomy much of the time. And windy too. But when we look around really carefully, we will notice that winter can be beautiful. Bare trees can look really pretty without their leaves. I thought it's artistic too! And winter is the time of recuperation, rejuvenation and quiet growth. Without winter, there wont be spring and flowering. Winter feels just like the 7th day when God rested after all the creating. And when I looked at my garden, there are the gorgeous flowers blooming in the midst of winter. How wonderful! A gorgeous perfect calendula flower with dew on its petals. I have no word to describe the beautiful blue on these marguerite daisies. They are small and many but the close-up shot of them is really pretty. When I used this picture as my desktop picture, even my husband who is not exactly a keen gardener commented that they looked gorgeous!

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"All that mankind needs for good health and healing is provided by God in nature...the challenge of Science is to find it." - Paracelcus, the father of Pharmcology, 1493 - 1541