Monday, June 15, 2009

Revamping the Patch Next to the Garage.

Today's weather was great...sunny enough, not cold enough to make me hibernate, so I put on my garden gear and spent two hours at my new house doing a tiny area next to the garage while my son went kinder. The 'tiny' area did not turn out to be too tiny after all. I could not finish my work in one go but was pleased with what I have done, at least getting all the irritating weeds out the of the patch. I removed the old rotting existing weed mat with all its pebbles and replaced it. Weeds were growing all over the old mat. A new weed mat, a few layers, will help stop weeds from growing for months. I was also glad to see a few fat earthworms in the earth. That is a good sign.
1/6 of the tiny area with weeds growing among the pebbles and rotting weed mat beneath. Clearing the pebbles and laying of new weed mat...half of the tiny area done.
5/6 of the area done. 1/6 of it was planted with daffodil bulbs after loosening soil and adding blood & bone and composted cow manure.
A bucketful of parsley harvested.
Leftover parsley growing at shady Patch E.
After working at the tiny patch next to the garage, I raked up all the fallen leaves of the plum tree at the main lawn. I am intending to use them for leaf mould. Also dug up some baby dandelion weeds. I am a little optimistic seeing some of the lawn seeds sown some time back germinate. Although new dandelion weeds have sprouted as well but I only found two dandelion flowers to pluck off. If things remain this good, I would be able to save thousands and not have my lawn re-done again.
I cooked a pot of seafood hotpot for dinner using the parsley and rosemary and thyme from my garden. Hmm it was yummy! Here's the recipe for sharing :
200g boneless white fish fillet (cut into 2cm)
150g prawns (shelled)
6 mussels (frozen ones are easy to use)
2 squids (cleaned and cut up)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 large onion (cut into 1cm)
1 garlic (crushed)
A few sprigs of thyme
A few sprigs of rosemary
Chopped parsley (for garnish)
400 g can canned tomotoes
1/3 cup white wine
1 tbsp lemon juice
1. Heat olive oil and fry onion till soft.
2. Add garlic, tomatoes, rosemary, thyme and white wine and simmer.
3. Add fish when broth boils. Allow to cook for around 2 minutes.
4. Add the prawns, squids and mussels and allow to cook some more.
5. Add lemon juice and parsley.
This dish is simple and quick to prepare, healthy and yummy and goes well with pasta or rice.

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"All that mankind needs for good health and healing is provided by God in nature...the challenge of Science is to find it." - Paracelcus, the father of Pharmcology, 1493 - 1541