Tip : Misting flowering plants in the early morning provides humidity and this favors pollination from bees.
5 stalks of rosemary soft wood cuttings in jar of normal tap water.
5 stalks of rosermary hard wood cuttings with soft wood on top in jar of normal tap water.
Some water was poured away after a few days, retaining a little and fresh tap water topped up. Jars are placed near indirect sunlight as window sill. No rooting hormone used.
Result : It took 20 days before I could see roots appearing on any stem.
5 hard wood cuttings rooted. 1 soft wood cutting rooted. Rooting zone : nodes.
Conclusion : Hardwood cuttings have the highest chance of rooting. Contrary to some books which say that hardwood cuttings should be taken in autumn and softwood cuttings to be taken in summer, the hardwood cuttings in my experiment all rooted in mid-summer where else the only one softwood cutting rooted pathetically.
Tip : It is useful to wrap the cuttings and jar in a clear plastic bag to reduce transpiration (water loss through evaporation) from the leaves. In my case, I did not do so but it still worked in this hot summer climate.