I went to Bunnings after my BSF (bible study international) this morning. Shopped for quite a while and finally brought home a Brown Turkey fig tree, a Pixee Peach tree, a Moorpark Apricot tree and 3 pots of cyclamens. I had wanted another fig type but only Black Genoa and Brown Turkey are available and they are good as well. I will have all of them in pots first (going to use large pots pinched from existing herb/vegetables). I am eyeing the chives/purple buk choy pot and perhaps my vietnamese mint pot (since they are so prolific and I have not been using much of it anyway). The trees can be in pots for up to a year so I will send them to the ground when I move to my new place. For now till potting, I will have them in the garage at night as possums are up and about nightly (evident by their droppings on the fence, on the front of the house and even in my pots!)
In the afternoon, I also applied fungicide to my original rosemary plant and its two plantlets which I have propagated. They have all somehow developed mildew. It is so puzzling. Hopefully the fungicide wont burn too much of their leaves! My lavender is growing very well except that its luscious leaves have attacted green aphids. I have to figure out how to treat this problem. Previously I have applied pyrethrum spray for white flies and it worked, but almost killed my lavender!
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