Monday, December 5, 2011

Summer 2011 - December - Woo Hoo for Grapes!!!

I am so happy looking at the bunches of carolina black rose grapes every day!!! Our first since I planted the vine (bought from Daleys' Nursery) in Oct 2009. It did quite well all along except being seriously pruned by my dog two autumns ago (leaving it fruitless last spring) and getting downy mildew last autumn. I really really hope I will get to pick my own ripe grapes this autumn. Should get the vine netted very soon. 

Some of the grape leaves seem to have powdery mildew. I am getting this fungal problem on my pak choy seed pods, kao  kee leaves, hydrangea leaves and now my grape leaves as well. It is still mild and manageable but I need to find out an organic way (checking up on skim milk) to treat this as I am not happy using commercial fungicide anymore.
What a pretty ball of pink!!! Although I would love blue hydrangeas, they still came up pink this year. I will accept it. They are still pretty.
My son snapped a picture of this couple basking in the sun on our neighbours' roof. I am sure none of them is Mr Spotted Neck which we have been feeding regularly. We are loving watching pigeons. We find them so gentle, and they do not come pecking at our strawberries or kicking our mulch all over the place.  

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"All that mankind needs for good health and healing is provided by God in nature...the challenge of Science is to find it." - Paracelcus, the father of Pharmcology, 1493 - 1541