Friday, August 27, 2010

Miscellaneous Update.

I inspected my worm farm today. The lowest tray was certainly ready to harvest. Good that no many worms are living there. Those few that are are probably anti-social hehe... I harvested 1.75 buckets of compost ready to fertilise the vege patches.
I planted some bulbs of Siberia Oriental lilies where my calla lilies, daisies and rose shrub are. All except the rose are white which is what i want...same colour theme. These lilies are summer bulbs so I shall have some flowers in summer too.

The vege patch F is doing great though the vege are growing at snail pace due to the cold.
This jonquil below was not what I wanted. I had bought what I thought was daffodil bulbs from Dandenong Market but they did not turn out to be. So angry with the fellow who put a picture of a large yellow daffodil and told me they were daffodils.
The plum flowers are blooming. Looking forward to sweet plums in summer.
Snow peas are finally flowering. The winds have been really strong these few days. Hope that they wont be damaged.
This daffodil has bloomed under the plum tree out of Samuel's room. Not what I really wanted too. I thought the picture showed a yellow one? Now that I have thrown the packaging out, I cannot find out. At least it is a daffodil. Every morning, Samuel and I would peer out of his window to check if a new daffodil has far two!
Daffodil little mist! That's the yellow one below. I am having at least 8 in total and they are from last years' bulbs. Last year I had only two bloom but this year is good! Next year I hope even better. Getting greedy haha...
Pak Choy Purple and Pak Choy Green are coming to the end of their lifespan. They have flowered and I hope to collect some seeds. Amazingly, the flowers are very fragrant.
Samuel and I placed our noses so close to smell the flowers that we get yellow powdery pollen on top of our lips. :)
My beautiful candy tuft has flowered! First time! I lost one candy tuft on the left but at least this one on the right is staying alive. I may buy another pot to replace the dead one because two's better than one!
So pretty!

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"All that mankind needs for good health and healing is provided by God in nature...the challenge of Science is to find it." - Paracelcus, the father of Pharmcology, 1493 - 1541