Monday, April 27, 2009

Oregano, Lemon Verbena and Lawn Grass Experiment

It is mid-autumn and I am quite puzzled that weeds are growing a lot all over the garden including in the pots and vege patch. They sprang up everywhere, more intensely than in spring or summer it seems. I am using my mini hoe a great deal during this time. It is a valuable tool, my first acquired garden tool and has served me very well, especially with the little price tag that came with it. It was this hoe, besides my little stool, which I used in ridding all the weeds on the vege patch before my gardening journey began.
Weeds gone yesterday here today.
The tiny pot of oregano which I bought from Bunnings potted on and doing well. I have fed it seasol during potting on and a week later.
Lemon verbena also potted on same time. It is a beautiful herb especially the lovely lemony smell. I was inspired to get a pot of my own after seeing it at Heronswood garden.
My lawn grass experiment worked in the pot. I was just trying to see how the grass looked like before sowing in my new property. Well those sown here germinated and grew. Those sown at the property did not - soil was too hard and lack of moisture caused the failure. My neighbour who has recently sown some lawn seeds too told me that the seeds can lie on the ground for quite a while, so I am hoping that after the recent rain, those lying on the lawn of my new property will take off.

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"All that mankind needs for good health and healing is provided by God in nature...the challenge of Science is to find it." - Paracelcus, the father of Pharmcology, 1493 - 1541